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Notes for “Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
Machine Learning
- Machine learning is a branch of statistics that uses samples to approximate functions.
- We have a true underlying function or distribution that generates data, but we don’t know what it is.
- We can sample this function, and these samples form our training data.
- Example image captioning:
- Function: $f^\star(\text{image}) \rightarrow \text{description}$.
- Samples: $\text{data} \in (\text{image}, \text{description})$.
- Note: since there are many valid descriptions, the description is a distribution in text space: $\text{description} \sim \text{Text}$.
- The goal of machine is to find models that:
- Have enough representation power to closely approximate the true function.
- Have an efficient algorithm that uses training data to find good approximations of the function.
- And the approximation must generalize to return good outputs for unseen inputs.
- Possible applications of machine learning:
- Convert inputs into another form - learn “information”, extract it and express it. eg: image classification, image captioning.
- Predict the missing or future values of a sequence - learn “causality”, and predict it.
- Synthesise similar outputs - learn “structure”, and generate it.
Generalization and Overfitting.
- Overfitting is when you find a good model of the training data, but this model doesn’t generalize.
- For example: a student who has memorized the answers to training tests will score well on a training test, but might scores badly on the final test.
- There are several tradeoffs:
- Model representation capacity: a weak model cannot model the function but a powerful model is more prone to overfitting.
- Training iterations: training too little doesn’t give enough time to fit the function, training too much gives more time to overfit.
- You need to find a middle ground between a weak model and an overfitted model.
- The standard technique is to do cross validation:
- Set aside “test data” which is never trained upon.
- After all training is complete, we run the model on the final test data.
- You cannot tweak the model after the final test (of course you can gather more data).
- If training the model happens in stages, you need to withhold test data for each stage.
- Deep learning is one branch of machine learning techniques. It is a powerful model that has also been successful at generalizing.
Feedforward Networks
Feedforward networks represents $y = f^\star(x)$ with a function family:
- $\theta$ are the model parameters. This could be thousands or millions of parameters $\theta_1 \ldots \theta_T$.
- $f$ is a family of functions. $f(x; \theta)$ is a single function of $x$. $u$ is the output of the model.
- You can imagine if you chose a sufficiently general family of functions, chances are, one of them will resemble $f^\star$.
- For example: let the parameters represent a matrix and a vector: $f(\vec{x}; \theta)() = \begin{bmatrix}\theta_0 & \theta_1 \\ \theta_2 & \theta_3\end{bmatrix} \vec{x} + \begin{bmatrix}\theta_4 \\ \theta_5 \end{bmatrix}$
Designing the Output Layer.
The most common output layer is:
- The parameters in $\theta$ are used as $M$ and $b$.
- The linear part $Mx+b$ ensures that your output depends on all inputs.
- The nonlinear part $g(x)$ allows you to fit the distributon of $y$.
- For example for input of photos, the output distribution could be:
- Linear: $y \in \mathbb{R}$. eg cuteness of the photo
- Sigmoid: $y \in [0, 1]$. eg probability its a cat
- Softmax: $y \in \mathbb{R}^C$ and $\sum y = 1$. eg. probability its one of $C$ breeds of cats
- To ensure $g(x)$ fits the distribution, you can use:
- Linear: $g(x) = x$.
Sigmoid: $g(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$.
- Softmax: $g(x)_c = \frac{e^{x_c}}{\sum_i e^{x_i}}$.
- Softmax is actually under-constrained, and often $x_0$ is set to 1. In this case sigmoid is just softmax in 2 variables.
- There is theory behind why these $g$’s are good choices, but there are many different choices.
Finding $\theta$
Find $\theta$ by solving the following optimization problem for $J$ the cost function:
- Deep learning is successful because there is a good family of algorithms to calculate $\min$.
- That algorithms are all variations of gradient descent:
theta = initial_random_values() loop { xs = fetch_inputs() ys = fetch_outputs() us = model(theta)(xs) cost = J(ys, us) if cost < threshold: exit; theta = theta - gradient(cost) }
- Intuitively, at every $\theta$ you chose the direction that reduces the cost the most.
- This requires you to compute the gradient $\frac{d\text{cost}}{d\theta_t}$.
- You don’t want the gradient to be near $0$ because you learn too slowly or near $\inf$ because it is not stable.
- This is a greedy algorithm, and thus might converge but into a local minimum.
Choosing the Cost Function
- This cost function could be anything:
Sum of absolute errors: $J = \sum y - u $. - Sum of square errors: $J = \sum(y - u)^2$.
- As long as the minimum occurs when the distributions are the same, in theory it would work.
- One good idea is that $u$ represents the parameters of the distribution of $y$.
- Rationale: often natural processes are fuzzy, and any input might have a range of outputs.
- This approach also gives a smooth measure of how accurate we are.
- The maximum likelihood principle says that: $\theta_\text{ML} = \arg\max_\theta p(y; u)$
- Thus we want to minimize: $J = -p(y; u)$
- For $i$ samples: $J = -\prod_i p(y_i; u)$
- Taking log both sides: $J’ = -\sum_i \log p(y_i; u)$.
- This is called cross-entropy.
- Applying the idea for: $y \sim \text{Gaussian}(\text{center}=u)$:
- $p(y; u) = e^{-(y-u)^2}.$
- $J = -\sum \log e^{-(y-u)^2} = \sum(y-u)^2$
- This motivates sum of squares as a good choice.
- Regularization techniques are methods that attempt to reduce generalization error.
- It is not meant to improve the training error.
- Prefer smaller $\theta$ values:
- By adding some function of $\theta$ into $J$ we can encourage small parameters.
$L^2$: $J’ = J + \sum \theta ^2$ -
$L^1$: $J’ = J + \sum \theta $ - $L^0$ is not smooth.
- Note for $\theta \rightarrow Mx+b$ usually only $M$ is added.
- Data augmentation:
- Having more examples reduces overfitting.
- Also consider generating valid new data from existing data.
- Rotation, stretch existing images to make new images.
- Injecting small noise into $x$, into layers, into parameters.
- Multi-Task learning:
- Share a layer between several different tasks.
- The layer is forced to choose useful features that is relevant to a general set of tasks.
- Early stopping:
- Keep a test data set, called the validation set, that is never trained on
- Stop training when the cost on the validation set stops decreasing.
- You need an extra test set to truly judge the the final.
- Parameter sharing:
- If you know invariants about your data, encode that into your parameter choice.
- For example: images are translationally invariant, so each small patch should have the same parameters.
- Dropout:
- Randomly turn off some neurons in the layer.
- Neurons learn to not take input data for granted.
- Adversarial:
- Try to make the points near training points constant, by generating adversarial data near these points.
Deep Feedforward Networks
Deep feedforward networks instead use:
- This model has $N$ layers.
- $f^1 \ldots f^{N-1}$: hidden layers.
- $f^N$: output layer.
- A deep model sounds like a bad idea because it needs more parameters.
- In practise, it actually needs fewer parameters, and the models perform better (why?).
- One possible reason is that each layer learns higher and higher level features of the data.
- Residual models: $f’^n(x) = f^n(x) + x^{n-1}$.
- Data can come from the past, we add on some more details to it.
Designing Hidden Layers.
The most common hidden layer is:
- The hidden layers have the same structure as the output layer.
- However the $g(x)$ which work well for the output layer don’t work well for the hidden layers.
- The simplest and most successful $g$ is the rectified linear unit (ReLU): $g(x) = \max(0, x)$.
- Compared to sigmoid, the gradients of ReLU does not approach zero when x is very big.
- Other common non-linear functions include:
- Modulated ReLU: $g(x) = \max(0, x) + \alpha\min(0, x)$.
- Where alpha is -1, very small, or a model parameter itself.
- The intuition is that this function has a slope for x < 0.
- In practise there is no absolute winner between this and ReLU.
- Maxout: $g(x)_i = \max_{j \in G(i)} x_j$
- $G$ partitions the range $[1 .. I]$ into subsets $[1 .. m], [m+1 .. 2m], [I-m .. I]$.
- For comparison ReLU is $\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, and maxout is $\mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^\frac{n}{m}$.
- It is the max of each bundle of $m$ inputs, think of it as $m$ piecewise linear sections.
- Linear: $g(x) = x$
- After multiplying with the next layer up, it is equivalent to: $f^n(x) = g’(NMx+b’)$
- It’s useful because you can use use narrow $N$ and $M$, which has less parameters.
Optimizaton Methods
- The methods we use is based on stochastic gradient descent:
- Choose a subset of the training data (a minibatch), and calculate the gradient from that.
- Benefit: does not depend on training set size, but on minibatch size.
- There are many ways to do gradient descent (using: gradient $g$, learning rate $\epsilon$, gradient update $\Delta$)
- Gradient descent - use gradient: $\Delta = \epsilon g$.
- Momentum - use exponential decayed gradient: $\Delta = \epsilon \sum e^{-t} g_t$.
- Adaptive learning rate where $\epsilon = \epsilon_t$:
- AdaGrad - slow learning on gradient magnitude: $\epsilon_t = \frac{\epsilon}{\delta + \sqrt{\sum g_t^2}}$.
- RMSProp - slow learning on exponentially decayed gradient magnitude: $\epsilon_t = \frac{\epsilon}{\sqrt{\delta + \sum e^{-t} g_t^2}}$.
- Adam - complicated.
- Newton’s method: it’s hard to apply due to technical reasons.
- Batch normalization is a layer with the transform: $y = m\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma} + b$
- $m$ and $b$ are learnable, while $\mu$ and $\sigma$ are average and standard deviation.
- This means that the layers can be fully independent (assume the distribution of the previous layer).
- Curriculum learning: provide easier things to learn first then mix harder things in.
Simplifying the Network
- At this point, we have enough basis to design and optimize deep networks.
- However, these models are very general and large.
If your network has $N$ layers each with $S$ inputs/outputs, the parameter space is $ \theta = O(NS^2)$. - This has two downsides: overfitting, and longer training time.
- There are many methods to reduce parameter space:
- Find symmetries in the problem and choose layers that are invariant about the symmetry.
- Create layers with lower output dimensionality, the network must summarize information into a more compact representation.
Convolution Networks
A convolutional network simplifies some layers by using convolution instead of matrix multiply (denoted with a star):
- It is used for data that is spatially distributed, and works for 1d, 2d and 3d data.
- 1d: $(\theta \ast x)_i = \sum_a \theta_a x_{i+a}$
- 2d: $(\theta \ast x)_{ij} = \sum_a \sum_b \theta_{ab} x_{ab+ij}$
- It’s slightly from the mathematical definition, but has the same idea: the output at each point is a weighted sum of nearby points.
- Benefits:
- Captures the notion of locality, if $\theta$ is zero, except in a window $w$ wide near $i=0$.
- Captures the notion of translation invariance, as the same $\theta$ are used for each point.
- Reduces the number of model parameters from $O(S^2)$, to $O(w^2)$.
- If there are $n$ layers of convolution, one base value will be able to influence the outputs in a $wn$ radius.
- Practical considerations:
- Pad the edges with 0, and how far to pad.
- Tiled convolutions (you rotate between different convolutions).
A common layer used in unison with convnets is max pooling:
- It is the same structure as maxout, and equivalent in 1d.
- For higher dimensions $G$ partitions the input space into tiles.
- This reduces the size of the input data, and can be considered as collapsing a local region of the inputs into a summary.
- It is also invariant to small translations.
Recurrent Networks
Recurrent networks use previous outputs as inputs, forming a recurrence:
- The state $s$ contains a summary of the past, while $x$ is the inputs that arrive at each step.
- It is a simpler model than a fully dynamic: $s^{(t)} = d^{(t)}(x^{(t)}, … x^{(1)}; \theta’)$
- All the $\theta$’s are shared across time - the recurrent network assumes time invariance.
- A RNN can learn for any input length, while a fully dynamic model needs a different $g$ for each input length.
- Output: the model may return $y^{(t)}$ at each time step:
- No output during steps, only the final state matters. Eg: sentiment analysis.
- $y^{(t)} = s^{(t)}$, the model has no internal state and thus less powerful. But it is easier to train, since the training data $y$ is just $s$.
- $y^{(t)} = o(s^{(t)})$, use an output layer to transform (and hide) the internal state. But training is more indirect and harder.
- As always we prefer to think of $y$ as the parameters to a distribution.
- The output chosen may be fed back to $f$ as extra inputs. If not fed in, the $y$ are conditionally independent of each other.
- When generating a sentence, we need conditional dependence between words, eg: A-A and B-B might be valid, but A-B might be invalid.
- Completion:
- Finish when input ends. This works for $x^{(t)} \rightarrow y^{(t)}$.
- Extra output $y_\text{end}^{(t)}$ with the probability the output has completed.
- Extra output $y_\text{length}^{(t)}$ with the length of output remaining/total.
- Optimization is done using the same gradient descent class of methods.
- Gradients are calculated by expanding the recurrence to a flat formula, called back-propagation through time (BPTT).
- One difficult aspect of BPTT is the gradient $\Delta = \frac{\partial}{\partial s^t}$:
- $\Delta > 0$: the state explodes, and provide unstable gradient. The solution is to clip the gradient updates to a reasonable size during descent.
- $\Delta \approx 0$: this allows the state to persist for a long time, howevr the gradient descent method needs a gradient to work.
- $\Delta < 0$: the RNN is in a constant state of information loss.
- There are variants of RNN that impose a simple prior to help preserve state $s^{(t)} \approx s^{(t-1)}$:
- $s^{(t)} = f_t s^{(t-1)} + f(…)$: we get a direct first derivative $\frac{\partial}{\partial x}$
- It lets us pass along a gradient from previous steps, even when $f$ itself has zero gradient.
- Long short-term memory (LSTM) model input, output and forgetting:
$s^{(t)} = f_t s^{(t-1)} + i_t f(s^{(t-1)}, x^{(t)}; \theta)$
- The ouput is: $y^{(t)} = o_t s^{(t)}$
- It uses probabilities (known as gates): $o_t$ output, $f_t$ forgetting, $i_t$ input.
- The gates are usually a sigmoid layer: $o_t = g(Mx+b) = \frac{1}{1+e^{Mx+b}}$.
- Long term information is preserved, because generating new data $g$ and using it $i$ are decoupled.
- Gradients are preserved more as there is a direct connection between the past and future.
- Gated recurrent unit (GRU) are a simpler model:
$s^{(t)} = (1-u_t)s^{(t-1)} + u_tf(r_t s^{(t-1)}, x^{(t)}; \theta)$
- The gates: $u_t$ update, $r_t$ reset.
- There is no clear winner.
- For dropout, prefer $d(f(s, x; \theta))$ not storing information, over $d(s)$ losing information.
- Memory Networks and attention mechanisms.
Useful Data Sets
- There are broad categories of input data, the applications are limitless.
- Images vector $[0-1]^{WH}$: image to label, image to description.
- Audio vector for each time slice: speech to text.
- Text embed each word into vector $[0-1]^N$: translation.
- Knowledge Graphs: question answering.
An autoencoder has two functions, which encode $f$ and decode $g$ from input space to representation space. The objective is:
- $L$ is the loss function, and is low when images are similar.
- The idea is that the representation space learns important features.
- To prevent overfitting we have some additional regularization tools:
- Sparse autoencoders minimize: $J’ = J + S(f(x))$. This is a regularizer on representation space.
- Denoising autoencoders minimize: $J = L(x, g(f(n(x))))$, where $n$ adds noise. This forces the network to differentiate noise from signal.
- Contractive autoencoders minimize: $J’ = J + \sum \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$. This forces the encoder to be smooth: similar inputs get similar outputs.
- Predictive autoencoders: $J = L(x, g(h)) + L’(h, f(x))$. Instead of optimizing $g$ and $h$ simultaneously, optimize them alternately.
- Another solution is to train a discriminator network $D$ which outputs a scalar representing the probability the input is generated.
Representation Learning
The idea is that instead of optimizing $ u = f(x; \theta) $, we optimize:
- $r_i$ and $r_o$ are the input and output representations, but the idea can apply to CNN, RNN and other models.
- For example the encoder half of an autoencoder can be used to represent the input $r_i$.
- The hope is that there are other representations that make the task easier.
- These representations can be trained on large amounts of data and understand the base data.
- For example: words is a very sparse input vector (all zeros, with one active).
- There are semantic representations of words that is easier to work with.
Practical Advice
- Have a good measure of your success.
- Build a working model as soon as possible.
- Instrument and iterate from data.
Appendix: Probability
- Probability is a useful tool because it allows us to model:
- Randomness: truely random system (quantum etc).
- Hidden variables: deterministic, but we can’t see all the critical factors.
- Incomplete models: especially relevant in chaotic systems that are sensitive to small perturbations.
- It is useful for reading papers and more advanced machine learning, but not as critical for playing around with a network.
- Probability: $P(x,y)$ means $P(\text{x} = x, \text{y} = y)$.
- Marginal probability: $P(x) = \sum_y P(\text{x} = x, \text{y} = y)$.
Chain rule: $P(x,y) = P(x y)P(y)$. - If $x$ and $y$ are independent: $P(x,y) = P(x)P(y)$.
- Expectation: $\mathbb{E}_{x \sim P}[f(x)] = \sum_x P(x)f(x)$.
Bayes rule: $P(x y) = \frac{P(x)P(y x)}{P(y)} = \frac{P(x)P(y x)}{\sum_x P(x)P(y x)}$. - Self information: $I(x) = -\log P(x)$.
- Shannon entropy: $H(x) = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim P}[I(x)] = -\sum_x P(x) \log P(x)$.
KL divergence: $D_\text{KL}(P Q) = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim P}\big[\log\frac{P(x)}{Q(x)}\big]$. - It is a measure of how similar distributions $P$ and $Q$ are (not true measure, not symmetric).
- Cross entropy: $H(P,Q) = H(P) + D_\text{KL} = -\mathbb{E}_{x \sim P} \log Q(x)$.
- Maximum likelihood:
- For $p$ is data and $q$ is model:
- $\theta_\text{ML} = \arg\max_\theta Q(X; \theta)$.
- Assuming iid and using log: $\theta_\text{ML} = \arg\max_\theta \sum_x \log Q(x; \theta)$.
- Since each data point is equally likely: $\theta_\text{ML} = \arg\max_\theta H(P, Q; \theta)$.
The only component of KL that varies is the entropy: $\theta_\text{ML} = \arg\max_\theta D_\text{KL}(P Q; \theta)$.
- Maximum a posteriori:
$\theta_\text{MAP} = \arg\max_\theta Q(\theta X) = \arg\max_\theta\log Q(X \theta) + \log Q(\theta)$. - This is like a regularizing term based on the prior of $Q(\theta)$.